Monday, September 15, 2008

What are travel compression socks and do you need them?

Travel compression socks are nothing but the compression socks which are made specifically to give a relaxing fit while travelling as well as to help you get the peace of mind that your blood is not going to pool in your feet or the lower extremities of the leg.

That said what is embolism or the deep vein thrombosis the reason is that mostly while flying and sitting in an economy style chair for long hours you can potentially get your blood to start pooling up in legs . That happens because of lack of movement of the legs for long periods of time.

I have travelled to India and China and even To Australia and always worn a pair of compression socks. The flights to all these destinations have been more than 18 – 20 hours and I have never felt the fatigue or weakness in my legs and foot thanks to the special support socks that I have.
The reason is not very hard to fathom and in plain English here is what happens to the legs when the socks are worn.

The socks apply pressure at the ankle and the pressure gradually lessens as the socks reach the knee. With pressure at the ankle the blood is pressurized to go above the area and circulate, reach the heart and circulate back again as opposed to not circulate and sit right their in the feet because of gravity.

The pressure is measure in mmHg and the socks in come in varying pressure like 15 mmHg or the 22mmHg. They are made of mostly Nylon, Lycra and Spandex.
There are various styles that have been there like the socks which will go over calf till the Thigh or only till the calf.
Tip : To avoid anoring during flights alos use the HomeRemedy for Snoring
So your best bet is to get travel compression socks if you are travelling long hauls across the continents or you have already a medically condition like edema.

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